Between June 28 and July 9, Marie Belcastro‘s grandson Brian Kirk held 13 separate events around Ohio to protest SB 256. The events are listed below. The press tour received media coverage, which can also be viewed below.
Saturday June 26th
12:00 pm to 9:00 pm Wellington, Ohio
Trump Rally at Lorain County Fairgrounds –
We’ll be there greeting lawmakers with signs and literature
Monday June 28th
10:00 am Bowling Green, Wood County Courthouse
1:30 pm Findlay, Hancock County Courthouse
3:30 pm Lima, Allen County Courthouse
Tuesday June 29th
10:30 am Wapakoneta, Auglaize County Courthouse
1:30 pm Kettering, Kettering City Hall
3:30 pm Xenia, Greene County Courthouse
Wednesday June 30th
3:00 pm Delaware, Delaware County Courthouse
Thursday July 1st
9:30 am Marion, Marion County Courthouse
11:30 am Mansfield, Richland County Courthouse
1:30 pm Ashland, Ashland County Courthouse
3:30 pm Wooster, Wayne County Courthouse
Friday July 2nd
10:30 am Warren, Trumbull County Courthouse
Friday July 9th
10:00 am Statehouse, Columbus
Bowling Green
Grandson is on a mission to keep convicted murderer behind bars
Ohio native protests Senate Bill 256, which offers parole to juvenile criminals

Representative Michael O’Brien and former state Rep. James P. Trakas, who is now a councilman for the Cuyahoga County community of Independence, attended this event.
Families of crime victims rally against Ohio law allowing parole for some young convicts
Murder victim’s kin protests new law
Murder victim’s family protests law

Brian was joined by the family of Gavon Ramsay‘s murder victim Margaret Douglas. We also read a statement from a rape survivor whose case is impacted by SB 256.

Wadsworth murder victim’s family to speak on juvenile sentencing changes
Parole for juvenile offenders protested at Statehouse